acupuncture + herbal medicine

customized treatment plans

Each treatment is customized to address your specific health and wellness needs as they evolve with the ebbs and flows of life.

We will start with a detailed intake, gathering your health history while mapping out your health and wellness goals so we can create a personalized approach to work towards your goals.

compassionate care

Compassionate care means actively listening to your needs and desires and working at a pace that is comfortable for you.

We invite you to be your true and authentic self, knowing that together we are creating time to peel back the layers so you can get to a place of feeling in tune with your whole self.

sliding scale pricing

In effort to increase access to quality health care, we offer flexible rates for our mobile services, allowing people to honestly choose what they can currently afford for customized care in the comfortable setting of their own home.

We ask that people thoughtfully choose a price that reflects their financial means. Paying "full price" for a service gives us the capacity to open up services to those who do not otherwise have the financial means to access quality health care.

We use this sliding scale model for payment because we recognize the disparities that exist throughout healthcare and aim to support a model of healthcare that leaves no one behind.

we travel to you

It's that simple.

small batch + high quality herbal medicine

traditionally hand crafted in small batches

all our herbal remedies are traditionally hand crafted by a very small team of plant lovers and slow brewed over many moons to bring you our small batch high quality herbal offereings

limited edition & seasonal herbal collections

guided by seasonal availability, we only select herbs that thrive in abundnace to craft our limited edition & seasonal herbal collections

sustainable harvesting & high quality sourcing

guided by our commitment to steward the land that supports us, we only select non-GMO, organically cultivated herbs or wild weedy herbs sustainably foraged from clean sources

sustainable labeling

all of our labeling is done in house, starting with pen and ink hand drawn labels that are then burned on to a silk screen and hand pulled with water base ink onto recylced brown grocery bags or directly onto bottles - all done in house in collaboration with Rebel Axolotl Press